17 Feb 2014 | Business development , Business management , Business services , Marketing , Sales and marketing
A simple guide on how to use a marketing plan, and why you need one
30 Jan 2014 | Bookkeeping & accounting , Business development , Business management , Business planning , Business structures , Marketing
How big biz advantages are eroding but small biz had better watch out
28 Jun 2013 | Customers , Marketing
A better way of making that first contact on LinkedIn
1 Nov 2012 | Business management , Customers , Marketing , Sales and marketing
We seem to have invented a new concept – arse time. This occurs quite regularly in small firms but is even more prevalent in large ones….
24 Jul 2012 | Customers , Marketing , Sales and marketing
Don’t follow the herd – it might just be an opportunity!
28 Jun 2012 | Customers , Marketing , Sales and marketing
I wrote about market research in a previous blog. Since then, we’ve run a presentation to small businesses entitled ‘Market Research – it’s easier than you think to ask your customers what they want’. You can view this presentation for yourself at Hixsons on Youtube...