12 Mar 2015 | Business development, Business management, Business planning, Business services, Business strategy & planning, Business structures, Employees, People management
How strategy changes what you do and what you get
23 Feb 2015 | Business development, Business management, Business planning, Business services, Business strategy & planning
We all strive for certainty – we look for the magic formula that will make our businesses work better and secure our futures. We look to the business gurus, we read their books, we find the “Seven Steps to Success”, or whatever the latest one is...
16 Dec 2014 | Business development, Business management, Business planning, Business services, Business strategy & planning, Business structures, Customers, Sales and marketing
Not enough admin, and assuming the best
12 Dec 2014 | Business development, Business management, Business planning, Business services, Business strategy & planning, Business structures
Two issues are very common to small and medium-sized businesses. Everybody suffers from a lack of resource, and most people worry that their business is under some sort of threat, either externally or internally – and they are generally right, to some...
23 Nov 2014 | Business development, Business management, Business planning, Business services, Business strategy & planning, Business structures, Employees, People management
Businesses normally describe what they do. “We sell apples”.” We are accountants”. It’s not meaningful if you’re trying to explain to someone why they should buy from you. You’re not talking in your customer’s terms....
17 Nov 2014 | Business development, Business management, Business planning, Business services, Business start-ups, Business structures
Not knowing how you are doing and making it up as you go along