Cash Energizer

Cash management is key to survival

We have developed some tools under our strategy and planning offer so you can identify and manage risks, focus on priorities and take back control with these tools.

Cash Energizer

This discovery tool explores what cash issues keep you awake at night. We will identify the key elements affecting cash and funding, prioritise them and show your next step actions.

How we do it

 We will look at:

Objectives and funding

Trade credit, both customers, and suppliers

Stock and work in progress

Borrowing and long term funding

What you get

You will:

Discover your choices and options

Discover the key areas of focus

Draw up an action plan

Book a Discovery call with us today to explore what matters to you most and which routes you can take to achieve your goals.Hixsons logo


At a glance

  • Wealth creation
  • Top line growth
  • Controlling growth
  • Risk and reward planning

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